The January Birthstone-Garnet

Garnet is the birthstone of people born in January. This gemstone occurs in a wonderful spectrum of vibrant colors. Whether it is the fiery orangish Mandarin garnet, or the rich greenish Tsavorite variant, this January birthstone is one of the most exquisite gemstones you will encounter. One of the most common variants of garnet is Pyrope garnet, which is also deemed to be an excellent gift, symbolizing friendship, loyalty, and trust.

The history of garnets spans back several thousands of years, during which time it has protected those travelling far and wide. According to folklore and legend, garnets have the power to light up the nights. This January birthstone was even meant to protect its owner from dark and spine-chilling nightmares.

Thanks to its durability and versatility, garnet is used extensively in modern jewelry design of all types.

What is the color of the January birthstone?

For most people, garnet evokes thoughts of red, and this has been the case for millennia; but those searching for a January birthstone today have a much broader field of color from which to choose. Garnet offers hues of green, orange, pinkish orange, deeply saturated purplish reds, and even some blues. Red garnet is indeed one of the most commonly occurring gemstones, most often tinged with brown, yellow, and violet. Tsavorite garnet, a green variety, is far rarer due to the unique metamorphic conditions in which it is formed - extensive folding and refolding of rock.

Healing Properties and Health Benefits of Garnet

Garnet is deemed to be an extremely significant gemstone for restoring your health, boosting your creativity, rejuvenating your love life, and protecting you from many kinds of ailments. According to legends, a garnet inscribed with the image of a lion is believed to produce an effective and consistent charm that'll protect your health, cure you of illness, bless you with honors and achievements, and keep you safe from all impending perils as you travel far and wide.